Sunday, February 14, 2010

War On Fat

photo contest winner at

I actually made it through the whole State of The Union address a few weeks ago. Especially with the recent election of Scott Brown, I was interested to see how the President would address his failing health. care. bill. clinton. uh...anyway, a highlight for me was the announcement of the First Lady’s war on fat. She’s calling it the “Let’s Move” initiative. Someone should make a dance called the “Let’s Move” so you can support the cause and stay in shape while yer at it!

Of course I understand obesity is undesirable and there’s nothing wrong with recognizing it as such. That being said, I don’t think this plan to reverse obesity will work, not that Michelle Obama isn’t capable. Those prominently displayed, ample biceps never fail to impress.

But why is the First Lady the one leading the charge, and not Harry Reid? I think its because she’s a mom.

You see, it was Mom who taught me about eating moderately, and eating well. (Aside: another reason why big families rule – overeating is not an option). Mom made me go outside and play. Mom taught me tv was usually a waste of time.

And in this new war on fat you have an icon of a mom in Mrs. Obama. But she’s a Mommycrat. She’s not really your mom. She won’t really be able to make you go outside and exercise. She won’t really be able to make you eat right. It’s just that she has millions of taxpayer dollars and lots of bureaucrats at her disposal.

She’s calling obesity an epidemic. The military just said it was a threat to national security, since many of the new recruits are overweight. But you cannot fix obesity from the White House. Their job description does not include telling me what to eat and when to take a jog. One must have a degree of will power to get fit and stay fit. Revised lunch menus at public schools and psas encouraging healthy living will not fix the problem, which starts in the home. Parents are the ones who need to instill these values in their children.

I wish “Let’s Move” the best of luck, but by the looks of things, Michelle has already done a good job keeping herself, her two kids and hubby in shape, which is to her credit. In five years from now when America hasn’t moved too much, she’ll have still done her job. Unfortunately she may have expanded the government that much more. Now if they could only apply “Let’s Move” to federal and state bureaucracies – I wouldn’t mind seeing their waistlines trimmed a bit.


  1. Hahahaha! My husband and I laughed for weeks when we saw this photo a few months ago. If anyone is ever having a bad day just head on over to AND I think it will encourage America to put down the remote and MMOOVVE!

  2. Yea, that picture is incredible. That's a good suggestion: Let's Move using peopleofwalmart for inspiration.

  3. You are completely incorrect in this blog entry. That is all.
